Monday, September 29, 2008

CHM Viewer For Linux - GnoCHM

It is quiet obvious that you might be tried installing a lot of chm viewer for linux , but most of them were stuck due to dependencies. I too had faced the same experience but i came out from this problem after getting GNOCHM.

GNOCHM is gnome based CHM Viewer which is very easy to install.

I test the installation on P4 Machine which was running CentOS 5.

You need the following rpm/sources to be installed before installing gnochm.

1. gnome-python2-gtkhtml2 
This package comes along with the distribution , so it might be installed , if you did full installation of your OS.

       This package again is dependent on 2 packages. 1. gnome-python2-extras 2.gnome-python2-libegg

These 3 packages can easily be installed through the OS distribution CD or yum.

 yum install gnome-python2-gtkhtml2

2. CHMLIB -   The base libraries of the CHM viewer ,

          I installed rpm chmlib-0.37.4-1.2.el4.rf.  , chmlib-devel-0.37.4-1.2.el4.rf

You can download it from .


pychm is also required for gnochm.

Both rpm can be downloaded and installed from

Download all the rpm and install in this manner

rpm -ivh chmlib-0.37.4-1.2.el4.rf.i386.rpm
rpm -ivh chmlib-devel-0.37.4-1.2.el4.rf.i386.rpm
rpm -ivh gnome-python2-libegg-2.14.2-6.el5.i386.rpm
rpm -ivh gnome-python2-extras-2.14.2-6.el5.i386.rpm
rpm -ivh gnome-python2-gtkhtml2-2.14.2-4.fc6.i386.rpm
rpm -ivh pychm-0.8.4-2fc5.i386.rpm
rpm -ivh gnochm-0.9.11-1fc5.noarch.rpm

Thanks all,


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