Tuesday, May 15, 2007

Perl Cisco Netflow Analyzer

Here i will explain how you can use Extreme Happy Netflow Tool with perl to write your own front end.

1. ehnt package from
2. perl

Start the Work

Setup the ehnt server.

for ehnt server , your cisco device should be throwing netflow data on the specified port

the following command should be available in cisco device to enable netflow

ip flow-export source Loopback0
! you can use any other source interface , ehntserv with receive the all data through the specified interface
ip flow-export version 5
! version no to be used
ip flow-export destination <ehntserv ip> <udp port>
! destination information to throw on , netflow works on udp port
noe execute the ehntserv application

ehntserv -u <udp port> -t <tcpport>

udp port - same as cisco specified
tcp port - to  listen on for readable format data

now execute the ehnt application  to test only.

ehnt -s <ehnt serv ip address>:<tcp port> -m colondump

this will start display the data in readable format.

now you write one perl script with the following lines.

coding part

#!/usr/bin/perl -w
my ($flow,$router_id,$src_int,$src_ip,$src_port,$src_as_no,$dst_ip,$dst_port,$packet_size,$z,$proto,$m,$n);
open(PIPE,"ehnt -s <ehntserv ip>:<tcpport> -m colondump 2>/dev/null |") || die "can't open ehnt";
while(<PIPE>) {
#---ignore invalid entries
next if ( $_ !~ /^[0-9]/ || $_ =~ /^\s/ ) ;
TODO:and do whatever you want to do

and enjoy

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