Friday, May 4, 2007

Creating a NETLOGON Share using Samba

Creating a NETLOGON Share using Samba

Once you create your Policy File, you must save it as "NTConfig.POL", then copy it to the "NETLOGON" share of all of your Domain Controllers. To create a NETLOGON Share on a Samba Domain Controller, simply create a directory on your server, such as "/srv/samba/netlogon", change the permissions so that everyone has read-only rights (chmod o-wx or chmod o+r) then add the following to your shares section of your smb.conf file.

[netlogon] comment = Network Logon Service path = /srv/samba/netlogon guest ok = Yes browseable = No # If you have problems, try adding the following line # acl check permissions = no 

Now just add the NTConfig.POL file to the share, and possibly a logon script. Also ensure that everyone has read access to the files you put in the share.

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